A global campaign to raise awareness about violence against women
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Considerations when adapting the Power and Control Wheel ckfinder/userfiles/files/adaptingwheel.pdf 
"The proportion of young people in the population of Egypt is significantly larger compared with other age groups. About 62% of the total population in Egypt, is age 29 or under, and nearly 40% is between the ages of 10 and 29."
 ckfinder/userfiles/files/Egypt Young People 2010PGY_SYPEFinalReport.pdf

Created on July 2, 2010, UN Women is the result of years of advocacy by civil society. The new entity combines the mandates of the four existing UN structures for women into one new, higher level UN organization with both policy and operational functions.  The GEAR Campaign, a network of over 300 women’s, human rights and social justice groups, is now engaged in working to ensure that UN Women will be a coordinated, strong, and strategic organization that further advances the UN’s work on gender equality and women’s empowerment.  Some organizations are already engaged with the UN transition process at the national and regional levels, and the GEAR campaign encourages more actors in civil society to get involved in helping UN Women realize its potential as a powerful vehicle for women’s rights on the ground. Read More: ckfinder/userfiles/files/August-2010-GEAR-Call-to-Action.pdf

Ending Violence Against Women: The Shift by Stacy Bellem, M.S., M.S.W.  Dec. 10. 2008 ckfinder/userfiles/files/NCADVPaper(1).pdf

HIV Prevalence and Predictors Among Rescued Sex-Trafficked Women and Girls in Mumbai, India http://journals.lww.com/jaids/Fulltext/2006/12150/HIV_Prevalence_and_Predictors_Among_Rescued.15.aspx

Sex-trafficking, Violence, Negotiating Skill, and HIV Infection in Brothel-based Sex Workers of Eastern India, Adjoining Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh  http://www.bioline.org.br/request?hn08024

Dynamics of honor killings in Turkey http://www.unfpa.org/upload/lib_pub_file/676_filename_honourkillings.pdf

Eminem, Misogyny and the Sounds of Silence By Jackson Katz, The Huffington Post, June 5, 2009  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jackson-katz/eminem-misogyny-and-the-s_b_211677.html

Improving the lives of Arab women: On the way to improved legal reality http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/en-on-the-way-to-improved-legal-reality-2008.pdf

National Research on Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey 2008 http://www.ksgm.gov.tr/tdvaw/Documents.htm